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How To Invest $1,000 (Without Buying Stocks or Real Estate)

One of the questions we’re always asked is how to invest certain amounts of money. I think this is a fantastic question, but I also think there are so many different answers! Some people choose to invest in stocks and bonds, some people invest in EFTs and index funds, some people invest in REITs, some people invest in real estate, and some people . . . you get my point?!

There are so many variations of the traditional ways that you can invest your money. BUT, instead of discussing some of the more traditional ways that people invest, how about considering some ways to invest that you may not have thought about already? Let’s use a $1,000 investment as an example. If you had $1,000, how would you invest it?

Here are my non-traditional investment options you may want to consider:

1. Get Educated

Learning as much as you can about personal finance and investing is so important. Instead of asking questions about specific types of investments (such as index funds and real estate), you should be reading up on the basics!

Investing in your financial education is better than any stock you could spend $1,000 on. And, technically, you don’t actually have to spend $1,000 to become financially literate! Nowadays, you can find countless free resources to beef up your financial knowledge, whether it’s podcasts, Youtube channels (uh-hm - Our Rich Journey!), or good old-fashioned library books!

Another great resource is local community college classes. If you take a look at your local community college schedule, you’ll often find free classes and workshops you can join that teach useful skills. Check to see if your local community college offers any free (or low-cost!) courses on investing in the stock market or in real estate . . . and learn, learn, LEARN!!!

2. Learn a Side-Hustle Skill and Invest In It

On the topic of community college classes - they can also be a great way to acquire skills you can evolve into a lucrative side hustle. For example, Amon has taken DIY classes for tiny home construction and design. What started as a simple interest in building a tiny house snowballed into our obsession with DIY!

By learning the basics of home renovations, we were able to catapult that skill into buying our own investment homes and fixing them up. Now only that, but it also gave us the idea of potentially renovating RVs!

Not too long ago, Amon came across an old RV on Craigslist that was being given away. 100% free! Can you imagine getting a free RV, gutting and renovating the interior with a $1,000 investment (or less!), and selling it for a significant profit?!

Loads of people have also built tiny houses for less than $1,000 out of reclaimed wood and other resources they found for free or at a very low rate. It’s completely doable! Key takeaway: By investing in yourself, by learning a new side hustle skill - your initial investment could turn into huge profits!

And this all leads to our third point…

3. Start A Business

If you have $1,000 to invest, why not invest in your own business? Maybe you’re a photographer that wants to start a wedding photo business; maybe your friends affectionately refer to you as a “clean freak!” and you want to start a cleaning service business; maybe you’re into computers and graphic design and you want to start a business focused on IT consultations. Whatever your passion - there are lots of options for building a business strategy for $1,000 or less. Just focus on what you’re passionate about!

Nowadays, there are really effective avenues to start a business. It’s super easy to set up a website for your business. If you have a product-based business, you can open up a digital storefront on Etsy in a matter of minutes. Or, you can even take the good-old-fashioned route of selling your products at local farmers' markets or craft markets. The point is to take your passion and turn it into a viable source of income!

4. Invest In Your Health

If you’re reading this, your future investing plans probably involve early retirement. But what’s the use of early retirement if you can’t enjoy the free time you have?

That’s why investing in your physical health is so important. Whether you choose to hire a personal trainer, visit a dietician, or simply sign up for that gym membership, investing $1,000 to improve your physical health will benefit you for the rest of your life!

5. Build a Garden and a Chicken Coop

This part may sound crazy but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense! Investing in a proper vegetable garden and chicken coop means you have a sustainable source of food and one that’s in almost constant supply.

Growing your own vegetables, herbs, and fruit, as well as farming eggs, means you’ll be spending significantly less on grocery shopping than you would otherwise. So not only are you saving money, but you’re eating more healthy and organic foods than you probably would otherwise.

And if you grow and farm too much food to eat yourself . . . you can start selling your produce at local markets or donate them to those in need. It’s a win-win no matter how you look at it!

6. Invest In Your Kids

To me, this is the most meaningful option on this list. If you have $1,000 to invest, consider investing that money into your kids. You can set up a 529 or custodial account and show them the process of how the money is being invested.

By doing this, you’re developing a level of financial independence for your children while teaching them how to invest their money and keep track of their investments. You are giving them a gift (both literally and symbolically!) that will set them up for life.

Amon and I did exactly that for Sunoa and Melea, and we love to see how they have come to understand the value and importance of investing!

So there you have it - Six different ways to invest $1,000 that you might not have considered before. Sure, you can invest your money into a Roth IRA and stocks and bonds, but it never hurts to consider non-traditional routes too! You never know: By considering non-traditional investments and thinking outside of the box, you may see even better returns on your investment!

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5 days ago

Options like peer-to-peer lending or investing in a small business can yield impressive returns. Additionally, consider leveraging services like Kelly Office Solutions, which can help you establish a home office for freelance work or consulting. These alternative investments can not only diversify your portfolio but also provide valuable experience and skills. Exploring various options is key to making your money work effectively for you.

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Hello, We’re Amon & Christina

We’re former federal government employees that focused on saving, making, and investing money so that we could grow enough wealth in our investments to never have to work again.

And, guess what? We did it! At the age of 39, we reached financial independence, quit our jobs, and . . . we retired!

So, if you’re interested in learning how to save, make and invest money on the road to financial independence and retiring early (i.e., F.I.R.E.) - this site is for you!

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